12.23.15 by Clint Stroupe THINKING CONSERVATIVE: FALL 2014-SPRING 2015 MISSISSIPPI KINDERGARTEN READINESS GROWTH RANKINGS BY SCHOOL I thought some might be interested in examining the statewide growth rankings by individual school for last year’s assessments to measure Kindergarten readiness given at the beginning and the end of the Kindergarten year. This information can be viewed by clicking on the following link: 2014-2015 Rankings by Growth MS Kindergarten Readiness Assessment by School This information is nice in that it gives us “growth” information to attempt to see what degree of learning might have occurred over the school year. This is in contrast to the far less desirable end-of-course or end-of-year scores which give us no indicator of what level of achievement the students were at when they actually began the course…. …continued at The Thinking Conservative Blog: https://thinkingconservativeblog.wordpress.com/2015/12/19/fall-2014-spring-2015-mississippi-kindergarten-readiness-growth-rankings-by-school/ Share this:EmailPrintFacebookLinkedInRedditTwitterGoogleTumblrPinterestPocket