The Mississippi Education Blog would like to invite you to participate in a book study of Making the Grades by Todd Farley.
On March 12, James Comans presented three reasons to read this book. He wrote that the book is funny, real, and important. Notably, Comans stated,
Farley reveals valuable information as to how the standardized testing industry actually works- and in some cases, how it doesn’t work. From loopholes to games, to senseless management and unintended consequences, every chapter is eye opening in a different way.
Comans also points out,
Standardized testing is a huge issue in American education today. Big Testing companies are so heavily involved in influencing policy that sooner or later, Mississippi parents, educators, and lawmakers will have to discuss it.
The Mississippi Education Blog believes the time to begin the discussion is NOW.
The book study will begin on April 2. This will allow participants time to purchase the book and read the first two chapters. The study will be conducted using Google Groups. You can log in and join the discussion anytime during the week. There is no set time for participation. Each week, facilitators from the Mississippi Education Blog will pose questions and lead the discussion for assigned chapters.
Here is the schedule for discussion:
April 2-8 Chapters 1 and 2
April 9-15 Chapters 3 and 4
April 16-22 Chapters 5 and 6
April 23-29 Chapters 7 and 8
April 30- May 6 Chapters 9 and 10
May 7-13 Chapter 11 and Epilogue
If you would like to join the Mississippi Education Blog for this very important book study and discussion, please complete the form below. This will allow us to set up the Google Group before April 2. Additionally, please consider whether you are comfortable letting the Mississippi Education Blog quote you by name from the discussions. Posts to the blog about the study are planned, but permission to quote by name is not required to participate.