William Winter remarks at “It ALL Starts with Education” Summer Forum


“We hear it all the time: we just can???t afford it. Let me tell you something. We can afford whatever we want to afford.” Thank you, Mr. Hughes. Let me just say: Jay Hughes represents the kind of leadership that this state badly needs. I encourage him to continue his efforts. And thank you to […]


7 Hidden Truths of Testing (Full Blog Series List)


By James Comans There are several things about standardized testing in Mississippi that you, the taxpayer, probably don???t??know. It???s not because nobody knows it???s happening, or because we educators don???t want you to know??? It???s just kind of like “Fight Club”??? we are not supposed to??talk about it.?? So, in this blog series, I did […]


7 Hidden Truths of Testing, #3: Teachers Become Liars, Cheaters, and Thieves


By James Comans Welcome back to “7 Hidden Truths of Testing,” in which we examine the realities of standardized testing in Mississippi from the educator’s point of view. It’s not filtered research from a corporation; it’s not a scientific study from a government agency. It’s just testimony from the people seeing it happen on the […]


Southern Penny- Answer Me This: A Mississippian’s Response to Silencing


Both House Bill 958 (Snowden) and House Bill 49 (Moore) are attempts on the part of our Mississippi Legislature to silence educators, superintendents, and school board members from making complaints to their representatives and from voicing their opinions on education policies to the public. Answer me this: What gives the state of Mississippi the authority […]


Gammill: Teaching Is A Catch-22 Profession


Normally, I’m a glass half-full kind of gal. Many Southern women are raised to be this way; in my state, optimism is the only way to survive the “dirt-eating, barefoot and pregnant, racist, illiterate, pick-up truck with a rebel flag and a shotgun” stereotypes that seem to define Mississippians to the rest of the nation.